Monday, January 25, 2010

What is Computer Privacy?

"What is Computer Privacy?"

--> In this generation we use computers and the Internet everywhere we do our banking,read books find different kinds of information, but on the other side Internet id full of potential risk to our privacy and security. So while these are lots of things that we have gained from the Computer revolution there is a price we have to pay and the price is our "Computer Privacy",Of course there is no simple solution for this problem.

There are different tools available to help us maintain our privacy
"Anonymous Surfing Tools, Encryption Software, Clear History Software."
there are the tools on how to maintain our Privacy, when your "Personal Computer" is equipped with Privacy software it has the greatest chance of surviving privacy or security attacks.

1 comment:

  1. .....your got a nice template that we can get and build,,,but i think your inlove when you design it..!!!
