Monday, November 23, 2009


"Are It Workers Professional Yes or No? WHY?"

---->> YES! because in this generation the Information Technology Education or ITE course is indemand all over the world, ITE students can apply in any company and the IT workers can work being a Programmer and in the Call Center so that many people said that the IT workers are professional because of the work that ITE students can apply, Even if in state their so many ITE students work their because of the opportunities that the company offer...

And the IT workers is higher than Nursing because it's so hard to apply in state because their are many Nursing work their, and for the ITE students their are many company offer a lot of opportunities for the ITE workers or students, they need a ITE students or workers to manage their computer company so that I can say that ITE is higher than Nursing.........

"Being a ITE student i am proud to say that IT workers are PROFESSIONAL"


Monday, November 16, 2009

The seven Ethical Decision Making
1.Get the Fact
2.Identify stake holder and their position
3.Consider the consequences of your decision
4.Make various guidelines & principle
5.Develop and evaluate options
6.Review your decisions
7.Evaluate the result of your decision

Philosophical Theory
1.Virtue ethics approach
2.Utilitarian approach
3.Fairness approach
4.Common good approach

-->How to handle business?

Get the fact-->we must think a lot of things to make a good business,and search a place to put your store,and choose a product that people will love it.

Identify stake holder and their position-->we must choose a better person that handle your business perfectly..and know how to manage business.

Consider the consequences of your decision-->your business will be improve and it became a successful if we apply a good strategies.

Make various guidelines & principle--> the guidelines that all the member of the company must follow,the worker will be responsible and hardworking so that the business will be successful.

Develop and evaluate options-->in business we must do anything to make your business successful,the people who handle it must choose a good decision that make the business improve.

Review your decisions--> the businessmen & businesswoman will review his/her decision to make sure that his/her decision will make the business successful.

Evaluate the result of your decision--> the result of the decision will be good because of that decision your business will be successful.

The Philosophical Theory

Virtue Ethics Approach--> Virtue is an acceptable behaviors of an individual or the good doings.

Utilitarian Approach--> In having a business you must not only think the good benefits but also you include the others.

Fairness approach--> You treat everyone equal.

Common good approach--> In having a business you must treat your customer in a good way not just the customer bul also your workers

Monday, November 9, 2009